Andrew Usher

Story Time 11/10/2018

So yesterday, somebody tried to break in to my house. Kamilla and I were just hanging out at home, playing board games, sipping some beer. One of the first times in the past few weeks that we've both been in town. I usually don't lock my door, never have, nothing to worry about. We finish eating dinner, and we were getting ready to wind down, and Samuel hits me up out of the blue to take a few shots with us. We get a little deep in, So Sam ends up crashing on the couch. Before Kamilla and I go to bed, I just text my buddy, letting him know to lock up and everything if he decided to leave at night. At around 3 in the morning though, it sounded like someone was knocking on the door. Not thinking much of it, I disregard it, since my buddy was still passed out on the couch. A few minutes pass, and then the knocking just turns into banging. I finally get up a look through the peekhole, and it's someone I've never seen before. I go back upstairs, and the guy at the door just starts screaming "Let me in! Let me in!", and at this point I'm getting a little freaked out. There was a pretty long string of break-ins going on in the past few weeks, so thinking I was next, I go to call the cops. I go back downstairs and tell the guy that I'm gonna call the cops if he doesn't leave. After that, the man yells out "Jack! Let me the fuck in!". I tell him I don't know who that is, and he takes a couple steps away from the door. He turns around after that, tries to go down the two steps, and then fell into the bush. After he gets up, he starts to stumble away and looks towards the address number by the door, then starts running after that. My guess: the guy was just hammered and went to the wrong house :D